I am currently a member of the Jablonowski Atmospheric Dynamics Modeling Group at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. Most of my time is spent outfitting computational climate models with interesting idealized capabilities. See my slide decks, publications and GitHub repositories for samples of recent work.
Our group works in close collaboration with Sandia National Laboratory scientists on the CLDERA (CLimate impact: Determining Etiology thRough pAthways) Grand Challenge, developing the ability to identify downstream impacts arising from temporary and geographically localized forcings in the climate. My primary focus on the team is documented in a set of notes on a simplified physical parameterization for volcanic aerosol forcings of the stratosphere in the DOE E3SM (Exascale Energy Earth System Model). Our group also focuses on more general assessments of E3SM, including the development of advection-based tracer methods for quantifying the general circulation of the model's atmospheric component.
I was previously a student in computational cosmology at Argonne National Laboratory's CPAC group. For samples of my work there, see my description of our method of post-processed lightcone construction, as well as our paper detailing the creation of the DC2 synthetic galaxy catalog for the LSST DESC.

Figure: Color scale shows the density of atmospheric sulfate aerosols circulating about the North pole in the E3SM climate model. The aerosols are produced via a reaction of volcanic sulfur dioxide, which we inject near the position of Luzon, Phillippines via our custom idealized volcanic eruption model.